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Russian Federation Russian Federation : The Rosselkhoznadzor Office monitored more than 1 thousand tons of pesticides and agrochemicals supplied to the Moscow region 0000-00-00
Russian Federation Russian Federation : 260 tons of meat products were exported from Udmurtia to Mongolia 0000-00-00
Russian Federation Russian Federation : The Office of Rosselkhoznadzor in Primorye has registered more than 155 thousand cubic meters of timber for export 0000-00-00
Russian Federation Russian Federation : In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Rosselkhoznadzor has controlled 2.5 million cubic meters of forest products exported to Russian regions since the beginning of the year 0000-00-00
Russian Federation Russian Federation : Under the control of Rosselkhoznadzor, almost half a million cubic meters of Tomsk timber were shipped for export to 14 countries. 0000-00-00
Russian Federation Russian Federation : The laboratory of the territorial department in the Republic of Dagestan of the Southern Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "VNIIKR" successfully passed the rounds of the ISI on seeds and determination of quality indicators of grain 0000-00-00
Russian Federation Russian Federation : The Lipetsk testing laboratory of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "ARRIAH" successfully passed the accreditation procedure 0000-00-00
Russian Federation Russian Federation : Specialists of the Kaliningrad and Belgorod testing laboratories of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "ARRIAH" successfully passed interlaboratory comparison tests 0000-00-00
Russian Federation Russian Federation : Rosselkhoznadzor held a meeting with economic entities of the LPR on work in the FSIS "Saturn" 0000-00-00
Russian Federation Russian Federation : In Mordovia, 80 warnings were announced to business entities for violations of requirements when working in the FSIS "Saturn" 0000-00-00
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